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——– Upprunalegt skeyti ——–

March 2016

2015-11-18 14:48


‘Ice-Rovers (aukabónus ehf)’ <>


Hei Helga,


how are you?? Haven’t heard from you for=
some time, I hope you are all fine!?!


We have a program for a 8 days tour in March (=
Reykjavik-Stykkisholmur-Geysir-Skogar-Vik..) and would like to book the two=
nights of


March 20 and 21 =
(arrival March 20 and departure March 22) at the guesthouse we normally go =
to at Stykkisholmur during our tour Elves, we would need 4 twin rooms + 1 s=
ingle for the guide – do you want to book them for us or would you pl=
ease pass the contact and I’ll book directly?


Furthermore I would like to book the minibus, =
if possible the Toyota Hiace … for these dates.


I am going on a famtrip to Finland from Novemb=
er 26 to 29
J t=
o the Northern part !!!


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